International basketball camp will be held this summer in Gabrovo


Gabrovo will host the International basketball camp. This will be the first edition of the Kampa, which aims to expand the knowledge of athletes and coaches with the help of renowned professionals from Europe and the United States. Chief Organizer is VladimirIskrov.
The main objectives of the Campa are learning new basketball skills; introduction of contestants with basketball methodology of countries such as the United States, Italy, Slovakia and Austria and create international contacts.
hotelGPromoter of Kampa is one of our best basketball players Hristo Zahariev. His desire to promote the Campa is associated with a foreign partner, Sigma Sports Agency, who is also his agent.
The dates for the Campa are between 15 and 23 August. For more information-Vladimir Iskrov: Tel. 0888 677 100, e-mail:


Read more about Campa here and here
